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Unit Members


Head of Research Unit
Tel. 0 7428 9452
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Head of Research Unit
Tel. 213
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Research Unit Member
Tel. 0 7428 9455
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Research Unit Member
Tel. 0 7428 9460
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Research Unit Member
Tel. 0 7428 9459
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Research Unit Member
Tel. 0 7428 9466
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Research Unit Member
Tel. 0 7428 9461
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Research Unit Member
Tel. 0 7428 9462
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Research Unit Member
Tel. 0 7428 9463
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Research Unit Member
Tel. 0 7428 9463
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      Over the years, social changes in Thailand’s southern border provinces have caused conflict, misunderstanding, and mistrust between parties, resulting in the ongoing violence in the deep south of Thailand.

      Institute for Peace Studies, Prince of Songkla University, with its primary role being to provide education at both undergraduate and graduate levels, is well aware of the need to resolve such disputes.

      Having offered the Master of Arts Program in Conflict and Peace Studies since the 2008 academic year, the Institute, in collaboration with the Research and Development Office, Prince of Songkla University, has finally established a research unit called the Peace Studies for Southern Development Research Unit under a contractual agreement of three years from July 17, 2013 to July 16, 2016, with the purpose being to support research and academic work undertaken by our lecturers, students, and other interested individuals, in the areas of Political Science, Public Administration, Social Sciences, and Peace and Conflict Studies.

      Within the aforementioned academic disciplines, the Unit also provides collaborative opportunities for community members to acquire and develop research skills necessary for the effective practice of community conflict resolution through its extracurricular and academic service activities.

      Despite the fact that the Unit has been forced to cease its operation following the expiration of the agreement, there are still ongoing conflicts, not only in Thailand’s southern border provinces but throughout the country, e.g. conflict over natural resources or conflict between the public and voluntary sectors over large-scale construction projects, etc.

      The Institute for Peace Studies, Prince of Songkla University, is an academic institute dedicated to the proposition that peace is possible, aiming to contribute to the promotion of and produce specialists in peaceful conflict resolution, as well as seeking to engender a mutual understanding in order to bring peace to the region, leading to the need for constant research and academic skills development activities.

      The Institute for Peace Studies also plans to establish the College of Interdisciplinary Peace Studies in response to current and future conflict situations of all kinds in the Thai society, Southeast Asia, and many different nations and regions worldwide.

      In order for the Institute to encompass a growing number of lecturers’ and students’ academic work as a result of the future establishment of the College, to limit and prevent conflict escalation through the advancement of knowledge in the fields of Political Science, Public Administration, Social Sciences, Economics, Natural Resources, Community Rights, History, Religion, and Peace and Conflict Studies, and to ensure continuity of the research and academic work carried out by members of the Unit at the time of the execution of its initial agreement, there is an absolute necessity that the Peace Studies for Southern Development Research Unit be re-established so as to maintain its momentum and progress further in bringing about long-lasting and durable peace in southern Thailand.


To carry out and publish research across a range of subject areas, including Political Science, Public Administration, Social Sciences, Community Rights, Natural Resources, History, Religion, and Conflict and Peace Processes

To apply research findings to resolve community conflict in the form of academic services

To encourage our graduate students and other interested individuals to gain hands-on experience from being involved in community dispute resolution

To serve as a place for scholars, students, and community members to develop and enhance their research knowledge and skills


Learning and Teaching

For our graduate students, staff, and other interested individuals to be equipped with strengthened research skills, as reflected in the design of their research methodology
To promote timely degree completion

Organizational and Institutional Development

For the staff to become more research-oriented as it is an excellent way for them to gain experience and skills that benefit them academically and professionally
For building collaborative research and academic networks involving the participation of other institutes and specialists, as follows:
    - Research and Development Office
    - Center for Conflict Studies and Cultural Diversity (CSCD)
    - Southern Humanities and Social Sciences Graduate Network
    - Friday College
    - Deep South Watch
    - King Prajadhipok’s Institute
    - Center for Peace and Conflict Studies, Chulalongkorn University
    - Institute of Human Rights and Peace Studies, Mahidol University
    - Institute for Dispute Resolution, Khon Kaen University
    - Southern Thailand Empowerment and Participation (STEP) Project Team

For engaging interested individuals and organizations

Communicating and disseminating new insights gained from research centered around the southern part of the country, in the areas of Peace and Conflict Studies, Political Science, Public Administration, Community Rights, History, Religion, Social Sciences, Economics, and Natural Resources
Providing academic support and guidance on research-related matters, and offering research skills development training to all students, staff, and other interested individuals

Research Roadmap


“Integrating research in Humanities and Social Sciences in response to the sustainable development of southern Thailand through peaceful means”

The Roadmap to Excellence Plan rests on four pillars fundamental to the Unit’s success and aspirations:

Research on Conflict, Security, and Peace Processes in Thailand’s Southern Border Provinces
    - The conflict in southern Thailand
    - Peace processes, security, and peace studies in Thailand’s southern border provinces

Research and Resolution to Conflict between the Public and Voluntary Sectors
    - Conflicts over natural resource and environmental issues
    - Conflict over large-scale public sector development projects
    - Community and human rights

Research and Study of Philosophy, Belief, and Religion
    - Religious philosophy, concepts, and beliefs for conflict resolution
    - Psychological theory and concepts
    - Contemplative techniques

Research and Study of Social and Community Development
    - Building capacity for community participation
    - omoting self-managing communities
    - Developing community strategic plans

Diagram of research links of research unit members


Research Database
